AHHHHH, baby! Here we go again.
We are in the Pilot Test Group for Autumn Calabrese’s NEWEST program, 9 Week Control Freak set to launch Winter 2020!
Ok, so — t e c h n i c a l l y — it’s Danny that’s in the official test group, but after some thought they allowed the “wives” to partake in the fun. I mean if we have to cook all these meals for these guys, they might as well throw us a bone here!
But don’t let the name fool you — 9 Week Control Freak is NOTHING like what I expected!
I gotta be honest (because you know I always will be) when I heard the name — I was a little concerned. I was concerned that this was another “seek perfection” program and the little anxiety bug started messing with me.
Let me explain…
When we set out to do 80 Day Obsession for the first time in the Test Group we were expected to BE PERFECT. And we took on that challenge no questions asked. Never miss a workout, eat perfectly according to timed-nutrition, no treats, no drinks, nada. WE DID JUST THAT. It was fine, we did it, and we crushed it but looking back at all we went through during that first round gives me anxiety just thinking about it!
We went through hurricanes and no electricity, lots of travel (even London), and SUMMER with NOOOOOO ALCOHOL. Yes, I am YELLING! LOL!
And here we are AGAIN — SUMMER and in motha freakin’ QUARANTINE. I need some prosecco and wine pah-lease!
But we jumped on a call with Autumn to explain the undertaking and what she said changed everything…
Autumn said this exactly — “The program is called 9 Week Control Freak, but I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. I am not in control. This is not 80 Day Obsession where I told you what to do. You are the control freak. You are the one that makes the decisions here. You decide whether you want to follow Foundational Fix and have some cocktails OR you can do timed-nutrition or carb cycling.”
We signed on the dotted line and off we went…
But waiiiiiiiit NEW EQUIPMENT alert!
YES. 9 Week Control Freak introduces the control track door attachment so we can use band exercises in addition to weights. IT IS VERY COOL and versatile.
We also use a small exercise ball as well as a step!
Imagine the possibilities!
So, I’m only on Day 2 and this is what I know so far:
The Test Group
The husbands’ Test Group Facebook Group will be filled with highly inappropriate jokes, including but not limited to, lots of sexual innuendo, lots of “that’s what he said,” and lots of friendly competition.
The Time Commitment:
The program is 9 weeks long, 5 workouts per week, with 30-minute workouts. Rest days are Thursdays & Sundays during Phase 1 — we aren’t sure how it changes moving forward.
The Workouts:
So far I’ve done 2 workouts that are in 3 sections — Density, Complex and Tabata.
The Density part of the workout consists of 5 exercises done on rotation for 12 minutes straight.
The Complex part focuses on 2 body parts and you do various moves targeting those parts specifically.
And Tabata, well, that’s the super-tough HIIT cardio part of the workout.
And Finally:
You will sweat like CRAZYYYYYYY!
More to come as I go through this journey of 9 Week Control Freak! But so far — Autumn is delivering a killer program that undoubtedly is going to produce insane results.
Want in on the Test Group Experience, too?!
When 9 Week Control Freak launches I’ll be hosting my own EPIC Test Group Experience. But, this isn’t a beginner program, so I want to invite YOU to start prepping with me now. Fill out the form below to reserve your spot.