80 Day Obsession Round 2, and Customer Reviews – OH MY!

February 15, 2018

Where the F have I been?

Well, let’s see. After we completed the 80 Day Obsession Test Group – I completely fell off the deep end with my fitness and nutrition… NOT!

80 day obsession booty gains

HAHA! Truth is, I’ve absolutely crushed my second round of 80 Day Obsession. But I have been super busy (and not blogging) because the launch of this program was so much more than I anticipated.

If you haven’t read my other 80 Day Obsession blogs…
Click here to get the program basics.
Or click here  to see all my other updates.

Right now, I am currently coaching over 100 amazing women and men through this program—both customers and my coaching team—in addition to launching new groups each month.

So yea, BUSY! We also dealt with getting through the holidays, many parties, an incredible family trip to Cabo and the start of a new year in my business. Always a very hectic time!

Some like to call it CHAOS. I like to call it LIFE. I am a work and play-aholic. I love this stuff and wouldn’t change any bit of my life. And this program has definitely reinvigorated my drive and determination to help more and more people find themselves through fitness.

But let’s take this one step at a time as I am sure you are reading this to get my insight about Round 2.

DING DING DING! 80 Day Obsession – Round 2

My Goals For Round 2

My main goal for round 2 of 80 Day Obsession was to honor my results from Round 1!

If you recall, during the Test Group I lost 20 pounds and 14.5 inches. That was a really big deal for me as I was battling issues with overeating, under-exercising and making a shit ton of excuses along the way.


For so many years, I was in this pattern of getting incredible results with a program and then losing them shortly thereafter because I would reward myself for all my hard work with food and alcohol. So ultimately, I wanted to build on my results and not watch them wash away in a sea of rum and Cokes.

Unfortunately, my wallet took a huge hit because I subbed food and drinks with new and expensive workout clothes, new sneakers, and headbands… tons of headbands.

Did I Stick With the Meal Plan?

I am sure your burning question is: did I stick to timed-nutrition meal plan during Round 2?

The answer is YES!

While I did have the occasional cheat, the occasional adult beverage, and a ton of guacamole and burritos in Mexico, I love timed-nutrition and it’s become my daily habit!

Timed nutrition has actually brought back the joy of eating healthy every day, which had always seemed so difficult and overwhelming to me! Now, I don’t find it difficult in the least bit because I know what to eat and when. It further provides structure, balance, and focus even with a hectic schedule.

But I said goodbye to refeed days!

Other than the occasional cheat, the only other change was that I didn’t do any refeed days during 80 Day Obsession. This was suggested to my sister by Autumn because we were having those occasional cheats and drinks. Not a big deal for us. We simply stuck with straight timed-nutrition every day!

If I had to rate my timed-nutrition performance over the course of the last 13 weeks, I would give myself a solid 8. #Winning

80 day obsession 2nd round results

How Did The Workouts Feel?

The workouts were just as fun, difficult and rewarding as in Round 1. And I guess since we were so new to 80 Day Obsession the first time around—the cueing, jokes, and banter of the cast with Autumn was even better in Round 2!

For my second round, I am definitely wayyyyy stronger so I was using heavier weights and double/triple looping on almost all moves.

One thing I get asked a lot is was I bored of the workouts doing the program a 2nd time?

Nope. Not in the least bit! I mean, in 80 Day Obsession you get a different workout every day, so even though I had technically done them all, it was still only my second time doing each workout.

Again, that is one of the main reasons this program works. It’s like being with a personal trainer each day with a brand new experience. I am actually super pumped about Round 3 to really push those non-scale victories and get super strong! Perhaps one day my biceps will show up. HA!

Round 3, Here I Come!

So yes, I will be doing Round 3 starting on February 19th. Now that I have a high and tight bootay, I am terrified of losing those gains by switching programs!

So, for the time being, I am giving my all to this program and literally entering summer in the absolute best shape of my life. I want to ROCK a bikini this summer and not have to “suck it in” for every picture.

Game on!

80 day obsession after

My 80 Day Obsession Challenge Groups

One thing is for sure—now I know I am not crazy. Why? Because the majority of my customers and coaches are as equally obsessed with this program as I am. YES! For a while there I thought to myself that people must think I am nuts for always talking about this program. Well, now they know what I mean.

kristina delgado 80 day obsession hoodie

Phase 1 is Wrapping Up

My first round of customers just wrapped up their first Phase and the results are outstanding. And because of the mental work we put in getting ready for January 15th, they’ve learned to celebrate both scale and non-scale victories alike.

It is so hard to re-program people NOT to focus on what the scale reads but to recognize the work, effort, sweat, and self-love they are doing each day. Like, really difficult. And man, do I give it up to Autumn for not losing her shit daily in that Coach Test Group. Like, whoa! On Day 1 people were disappointed in their results. LMFAO! I can’t even make this up.

This is a 93-day program, folks. Trust the freaking process!

But I am so happy with the men and women who trusted me on this journey. I’ve never had more lively and focused group of challengers. Without a doubt, those that come in (and stay in) with a positive mindset get the best results. No question about that!

And because I love to GIVE—and because I have an unhealthy obsession with headbands—my customers are getting a one-of-a-kind custom #ObsessedLife headband after submitting their Phase 1 results to me. They are so pumped!

80 day obsession headband

How are they doing with the program?

Check out what some of them had to say about my group. Proud coach is an understatement!

Angie F. said…

“A friend knew I loved Autumn’s programs so she emailed me months ago when she saw an add on FB about 80 Day Obsession (I wasn’t on FB at the time). That very day I started googling it, trying to get as much information as I could regarding the program. I was searching for something that was going to turn my life around and make me feel good about myself again. Shortly after, I found your website and started following your blog on the Test Group.

Contacting you and being added to your Challenge Group was the best thing that has happened to me in years. I love the group so much. The girls are wonderful and you are so inspiring and motivating. I can’t say enough good things about it. I love that no one complains – we just get it done! It’s so nice to be surrounded by people with the same goals who push each other to be better and lift each other up.

I knew this program would change my life, and I can promise you that it’s already happening. I haven’t felt this good in years! I have my self-esteem back. I don’t care what people think about me anymore. I am loving the results I’m seeing in my body. I’ve noticed the most change in my arm and shoulder definition in Phase 1 (although I did see a slight loss in inches from the waist down too). With my body type, I always lose from the top half first. I’m counting on Phase 2 and 3 sculpting the bottom half. I want lean legs and a nice booty so I can feel confident in a bathing suit and shorts this summer. I don’t feel like the after pic portrays how good I really feel. I can’t see much difference but my clothes fit so much better now.

I am following the nutrition plan 100% so I can ensure that I get the best results possible. I am not quitting! I want to be proof that the products work! I do want to grow my coaching business, and I’m working a little every day to make that happen as well. I will get there. I feel passionate about this, and I’m not giving up.

Thank you so much for this opportunity.”

Tami O. said…

“The momentum of our challenge group can only be described in one word “FIRE.” Such an awesome group of people that are so freaking supportive. I think that Autumn’s 80DO exclusive coach group Facebook posters could learn a lot from this subset of people.”

Dawn S. said…

“This group and this program has given me so much knowledge about my nutrition. I’m listening to my body and I’m starting to notice how my body reacts to certain foods. I plan my meals for the week based on when I’ll be working out. I’m trying different foods and taking ideas from those in this group for what to eat to keep things exciting.

The workouts are crazy hard. Each week I’m amazed with the strength I continue to build and am so motivated by everyone in the group. Seeing them push play inspires me.

This program and group are what I need to get my health back. My energy and motivation have skyrocketed.”

I could go on and on with the incredible testimonials but I think you get the picture. This program has the power to change people! And I strongly believe it’s because for the first time in a long time we wanted to prove that we can ALL do hard things.

We can make a long commitment. We can invest time, effort, and money into ourselves. We can overcome temptation. We can do this!

Join My Next Group!

I’m always looking for those special individuals to help crush this program with—if that is YOU, let’s get going. The time is NOW!

Since there’s been so much interest in this group, I plan on opening up and new 80 Day Obsession Challenge group each month!

Say what?! Yeah! So if you missed out the first time around or if you’re starting to see all those results coming in on Facebook and it’s piquing your interest, here’s your chance!

If you’re not already working with another Beachbody Coach and you live in the US, UK, or Canada, fill out the form below and I’ll help get you ready and set up in the group!

Fill out my online form.



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