80 Day Obsession Review Week 2: I’m DEFINITELY Obsessed!

August 16, 2017

“The longer the program, the more sustainable the results.”

That one statement made by another coach in the 80 Day Obsession Test Group encompassed what has been on my heart lately.

When I started this fitness adventure over 7 years ago, our programs were much longer and workouts anywhere between 45 and 60 minutes. I remember waking up at 4:30 in the morning simply to get my workout in before work. And I did. My determination and will to succeed showed in my results. I crushed programs like Insanity: The Asylum, P90X, and P90X2. You have to be a special kind of crazy to complete X2 start to finish.

But I did. And for 3 solid years, my results were sustained despite the occasional burrito and margarita. I was consistently strong, consistently pushing my limits, and well, I was freaking ridiculously consistent!

Now, I am not saying the shorter workouts are bad. Not at all. I thrived off of the 21 Day Fix and got incredible results. I also really enjoyed 22 Minute Hard Corps. What I believe happened was that I convinced myself that since these programs were shorter in both length and workout time, I could indulge more and just “get back on track” easily. That creates a vicious cycle. One that I fell victim to!

I literally would say to myself that I could eat outside the portion control system whenever I wanted because I knew that if I just completed 21 days, I would lose the weight I had gained.

I know, so bad. But that’s the truth! So when presented with the opportunity to complete an 80-day program—80 Day Obsession—I was excited! And not only because of the Test Group experience, I mean that’s cool, but it because I was going to have to get back into the mindset I was in when I started. The mindset when was in the best shape of my life. This was not 21 days, this was a full-on commitment.

My Review After Week 2 of 80 Day Obsession

80 day obsession review

Missed my first 80 Day Obsession blog? Check it out here first & get all the program details!

The first two weeks of the program have flown by and I am super focused. In fact, more focused than ever! If this were a 21-day program, I would probably be dreaming of the massive cheat meal I was going to have on day 22. Ha! But instead, I am calm, cool, and collected. I am focusing on what I am gaining as opposed to being stripped from me.


Belief in myself
A new and improved body

Sure, I may miss that glass of wine or indulgence at dinner time but that doesn’t define my happiness right now. My happiness is coming from knowing that I can commit to something this intense still, I can still change my body, I can follow a structured meal plan. I CAN.

Week 2 Workouts

In week 2 of the workouts, Autumn introduced new rep sequences to the workouts and heavier weights and loops. Sometimes, I even joined her in doubling up on my loops! Clearly, I am getting stronger and faster. I feel so empowered!

Nutrition Plan Changes

The meal plan remains unchanged for Danny and I—and I’m definitely getting the hang of it better!

The trick for us is to make sure to double up on what I make for dinner so that lunch the next day is taken care of. That has been KEY to be able to adjust to the timed-nutrition system that is introduced in 80 Day Obsession.

Our 2-Week 80 Day Obsession Results

Here I have to remember the quote that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, “the longer the program, the more sustainable the results.” This isn’t a quick fix 21-day program—we’re not even a quarter of the way in yet.

That being said, I AM seeing results. It’s just not the same type of dramatic results we’ve gotten so used to seeing from programs like 21 Day Fix or Shift Shop. But these changes will be more sustainable! And, of course, Danny is getting ripped already! Jealous.

Ladies, anyone else ever envious of how quickly your husband sees results doing the same program?!

Check out our 80 Day Obsession before and after progress below. And let’s talk about my face for a minute—I was shocked when I saw a comparison of my face shape before and after starting the program! What?!

The Rest of the Test Group

The Test Group remains strong and focused. What I love most is how I feel like a challenger again. I feel that people are counting on me and I am counting on them. That kind of accountability and support is what I feel sets us apart in the biggest way! I had slipped away from posting about my fitness on a daily basis in a group. Not anymore. And as a result, I feel more connected to my own customers in their challenge group. Funny how that works!

Perhaps it wasn’t longer workouts I needed, perhaps I just needed to commit to myself and to a group. I am not sure. But either way, I am definitely OBSESSED. 


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Be a Part of MY 80 Day Obsession Test Group

This program has been so popular that I’ll be hosting MONTHLY 80 Day Obsession groups! If you’re interested in joining the next group, fill out the form below.

I’ll be there with recipes, tips, and motivation. And since I’ll have already completed the program, I promise I’ll have LOTS to share with you!

Fill out my online form.


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